How A Biden Presidency Will Affect the LGBTQ+ Community

Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris are strong supporters of the LGBTQ+ community – but how?

As most of you may know by now, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been called by the Associated Press as President-elect and Vice President-elect.

In simple terms, Trump is fired. The cheeto is OUT. Hell to the yeah.

But some may be left wondering – how will a Biden presidency affect the LGBTQ+ community, and what does he plan on doing for them?

First, we need to analyze what Trump has done (or in this case, hasn’t done) for the LGBTQ+ community.

Since 2016, Trump has been chipping away at the rights the U.S. has established for our community. He’s barred transgender people from openly serving in the military, rolled back protection for transgender students, prevented U.S. embassies from flying pride flags, and banned the use of the word “transgender” in all reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

On top of his policies, Trump has appointed over 200 judges within his term as president. I’m not sure where many of these judges stand on topics like LGBTQ+ rights, but most notably, he appointed judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. If you don’t know who she is and where she stands on LGBTQ+ rights, here’s a brief rundown from NBC News.

Spoiler alert: She’s never said outright whether or not she supports the LGBTQ+ community, but it’s pretty darn obvious she probably doesn’t!

Now that we’ve got the bad stuff out of the way, how will a Biden presidency affect the LGBTQ+ community?

Well, it’s simple: both Biden and Harris support LGBTQ+ rights, and Biden has promised to undo the damage Trump has caused to our community by making the Equality Act a top priority in his first 100 days as president. Kamala Harris has also been an advocate for transgender women of colour, and ending the epidemic of violence against them.

Although Biden hasn’t walked in a pride yet (based off a quick Google image search) he’s still been a huge advocate for the community since his time as vice president from 2009-2016.

However, Kamala Harris wore a FABULOUS bedazzled rainbow denim jacket to San Francisco’s Pride 2019:

Kamala Harris at a Pride festival in San Francisco, wearing a bedazzled jean jacket which is rainbow patterned.
Photo credit: Gabrielle Lurie/The San Francisco Chronicle, via Getty Images

Although we have two big LGBTQ+ allies coming in, it’s going to take some time to fix the damage Trump has already done. But one’s thing for certain – we’re finally back in good hands.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be celebrating Trump getting kicked out with some wine and a mini cake from Sobeys.

Let me know in the comments: are you looking forward to a Biden-Harris presidency?

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