
I’m so excited to hear you want to write for The Gay Bible!

Before you send in your pitch, please review the following guidelines:

  • Please submit an “elevator pitch” of less than 500 words, summarizing the most important details of your piece (what you want to write about, why you want to write about it, why you think it’s important, etc).
  • Include what category your piece would fall under. The current categories we offer are:
    • Lifestyle
    • Entertainment
    • Beauty
    • Mental Health
    • Sexual Health
    • Relationships
  • The piece must not be already written on The Gay Bible, unless you have a different perspective/opinion. To see the posts we’ve already published, visit our Blog page.
  • At this time, all pieces submitted are volunteer work, and will not receive compensation.
  • The elevator pitch does not guarantee your story will be approved.

That’s it — I can’t wait to hear from you!

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