
The Gay Bible

What initially started as a school project for The Gay Bible’s founder, has quickly transformed into a welcoming and open platform on which authors who share a diversity of perspectives on LGBTQ topics can voice authentic truths and opinions.

The Gay Bible was born out of a recognized need for free online self-help resources for gay and bisexual men (which has now expanded to all members of the LGBTQ community), and was originally founded to spark much needed dialogue on important topics such as mental and sexual health, community, and dating in an ever-changing society. The name “The Gay Bible” was inspired from wanting a catchy, easy to remember name, but also to signify the blog’s educational, self-help content.

Our mission at The Gay Bible is to create an educational and fun space for LGBTQ individuals in which they can search for answers, read the latest tea on RuPaul’s Drag Race, or request advice. By encouraging dialogue on topics such as sex, unrealistic standards in the LGBTQ community, and mental health, we hope our audience will help perpetuate a safe space where people can interact and share authentic and informed ideas.

Want to write or submit a piece for The Gay Bible? Click here.

About Aldin

Hey there! My name’s Aldin (he/him), and I’m the founder and writer here at The Gay Bible.

By day, I’m a 20-year-old student in the Creative Communications program at Red River College. By night, I do all sorts of things: create social media content for my job, edit articles for my other job, do (lots) of homework, and watch RuPaul’s Drag Race, of course!

A few fun facts about me:

  • I love Feta cheese
  • My favourite clothing stores are Zara and H&M, but I love supporting local shops whenever I can
  • My favourite RuPaul’s Drag Race queens include Aquaria, Shangela, Alyssa Edwards, Gigi Goode, Trixie Mattel, and Katya Zamolodchikova (but the list grows every season!)
  • I’m addicted to Pinterest
  • I live primarily off of iced coffee (typical, right?)

I hope you enjoy my content, and if you don’t, that’s okay too. Can’t please everyone, am I right?

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