5 Benefits of Using Sex Toys

There are so many benefits to using sex toys in your personal life and relationship, but here’s five main ones.

A woman holding a purple vibrator inside of a bubble bath.

Sex toys are defined as an object used to provide or increase sexual pleasure, such as a dildo or a vibrator.

For some people, maybe that’s a cucumber. Or a carrot. But, please don’t put produce inside of you. Just don’t.

However, due to the stigma around sex toys, they can have a bed rep sometimes. Some people might think it’s weird to use a sex toy on your own, or some people in a relationship might not be ready to explore that side of things just yet. Or, some people just might not know enough about them to consider buying them.

So, for your convenience, I’ve compiled a list of the top five reasons you should be including a sex toy in your sex life, whether it be for yourself, or to spice up your relationship.

1. Better Sexual Performance

If you’re using a sex toy in bed with your partner, they can greatly increase the pleasure you experience. If you’re gay, vibrating anal beads or vibrating dildos can work really well. While I’m sure your sex life is already probably great, you and your partner will find the vibration sensations to be surprisingly really awesome.

2. Faster Orgasms

If you’re the type of person who wants sex to be over as quick as possible, you might be wanting you or your partner to have faster orgasms. Or, you might not be happy with the amount of time it takes for your partner to orgasm. Both of these can be solved by using sex toys – yes, really!

According to certified sexuality counselor and clinical sexologist (I didn’t even know this was a real job) Dr. Dawn Michael, sex toys like a penis ring or a prostate vibrator can easily make you orgasm much faster, which will not only help you feel better about yourself if you’re concerned about how long it takes for you to orgasm, your partner will appreciate it too.

3. Sexual and body awareness (and confidence!)

Let’s be honest, using a sex toy will make you more sexually aware, but it will make you more aware of your body, what you like and don’t like, and increase your confidence. I can say this from experience, because using sex toys has made me WAY more confident, and I’m very proud to admit that.

Using sex toys will also make you more aware of your erogenous zones. These are parts of your body that have heightened sensitivity, and stimulating them results in pleasure. In men, these erogenous zones are mainly the ears, neck, scrotum, nipples, and perineum (the ridge between the scrotum and the anus,) but some people can have different erogenous zones on their body, and that’s why it’s up to you to find them.

Obviously I’m not saying to put a vibrating dildo inside of your ear because it’s an erogenous zone, but what I am saying is investing in a vibrating sex toy and figuring out what parts of your body have the highest and lowest sensitivity will benefit you in the long run.

4. May help erectile dysfunction

If you have erectile dysfunction, don’t let it get you down. It can be heavy on your confidence and make you embarrassed when you go to have sex, but sex toys have even been proven to help with this as well.

And, no, erectile dysfunction doesn’t just apply to men who are 40 and up. Erectile dysfunction can be a side effect of many blood pressure medications and antidepressants, so don’t think you’re “too young” to have it even if you do.

Some of the things that can help you are ED rings, placed around the base of the penis to slow the flow of blood back from your penis to help maintain an erection. But if this doesn’t work for you, you could also look into specially-designed male vibrators that can help gain an erection and stimulate your nerve endings. But since I’m not a doctor, I can’t recommend anything because I’m not an expert in male sexual health.

If you want recommendations for erectile dysfunction, do NOT be afraid to bring up the idea of vibrators to your doctor. Trust me, they’ve seen and heard it all.

5. Improves relationships

If you feel like your relationship is missing that extra something but you can’t quite put your finger on it, the answer is likely a sex toy. For example, for gay men, your partner could use a vibrating penis ring while they’re inside of you, and they could use an anal toy inside of them at the same time, so everyone is stimulated and it’s one big happy stimulation party.

However, some people also tend to think if you have a sex toy, why are you in a relationship then? The thing is, if you’re already enjoying the sex without sex toys, using sex toys only enhances the pleasure. They aren’t going to take away from your partner. Sex toys mix things up in your relationship and keep things interesting – whether you’re into handcuffs, being tied up, or vibrators. There are SO many options for the both of you.

Besides, I really don’t think a sex toy can do much besides provide a few minutes of temporary pleasure. You can’t really compare an inanimate object to a real human being. Let your sex toys provide the extra pleasure you didn’t know you needed.

Now you’re ready to go out into the world and buy some sex toys! Some of my favourite sex toy stores in Canada are Adam & Eve, Lovehoney, and PinkCherry. They all have a wide array of options and price points for any budget, so I don’t want to hear any excuses about how you can’t afford them. You can!

Again, as I mentioned previously, don’t be afraid to just look at dildos and vibrators. Look at as much stuff as you can and READ REVIEWS. There might even be something better than dildos and vibrators you might be interested in, you never know until you try!

Thanks for reading, and see you next week. 🙂

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